We are proud to announce that we have successfully passed the audit of ISO 9001 for KINKELDER B.V.
KINKELDER has a wide range of products, and each product excels in a certain application. It was discovered that former product names made it hard to recognize the application. Time to change!
We would like to inform you of an upcoming change regarding the KINKELDER Saw Blades App.
Step into ‘The art of cutting steel’ at TUBE ’24 in Hall 6, Booth C32.
After nearly 80 years, we are excited to announce a new phase in our journey.
Ontdek de mogelijkheden binnen ons ruime assortiment om uw zaagproces te optimaliseren
Door onze zaagbladen te verkennen, kunt u nieuwe manieren ontdekken om de efficiëntie, precisie en TCO van uw zaagprocessen te verbeteren.
Lees meer over ons